Overshadowed Overshadowed is a TV program aired by BBC three on the BBC I player and it follows the life of Imogene who is a vlogger. It is an innovative drama. It is based on the award winning play about Imogene the vlogger whose life spirals out of control. The innovative drama has lots of youth culture issues in it including, parental issues, relationship issues and the main issue being anorexia. In the series you meet a lot of Imogene’s friend. There are a few main characters that we see in Overshadowed. The main character is obviously Imogene but then there is the person that’s always with her who is the voice in her head/ the anorexia and its stops her from eating. In the first two episodes the audience really starts to grasp an idea of the main issues being betrayed in overshadowed. The first issues that we see is that of the pressure put on young teenage girls by nowadays society about them having to look and feel a certain way and the fact they and don’t fit in if they don...